Thursday, July 11, 2013

Words of the Wise

My favorite quote of the week so far comes from the lovely Mary Klein, who, when talking to the group about walking passed the In Your Eyes rehearsal during mine and Christina Kroell's song, 

"If your voices could make babies, they'd make little angels!" 

Thanks Mary! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

We've Reached the Halfway Point!

We are officially two and a half weeks into SOS, which means there are only two and a half weeks left of SOS. Which means our show is in two and a half weeks. Yeah, panic mode time.
In all seriousness, the beginning of this week taught me how important it is to know your material. To say I was slightly unfamiliar with a couple songs is an understatement; I had to go through an entire song's choreography without singing my harmonies, or even the proper lyrics. Not so bueno. SOS gives you plenty of rehearsal time, but Monday and Tuesday proved that work outside of the studio is required as well. 
So I buckled down and got to it! The soundtrack of In Your Eyes is on my phone, and I practically eat, sleep, and breathe this show, even more so than I thought I did prior to this week. 
The amount of work I have to put in to this program seems daunting, but I can't stress how it's all worth it enough. When we actually know our stuff, and we sing what were supposed to sing, we create beautiful music with haunting lyrics. We're able to find the truth in our lines when they're memorized and we don't have a script immobilizing us. I was taught that within a professional theatre company, actors may have as little as two weeks to be off book before they even show up to a rehearsal. SOS is providing me with the skills to become successful in my future endeavors as an actor.
Classes this week have been incredible, as usual. We became familiarized with a basic understanding of what a theatre company is through a role playing exercise in Theatre Immersion. The next day we used role playing again in order to get a better understanding of our show's character. Can I just take a moment to say how much I love being surrounded by actors? At my school, role playing games like those would not work. There would always be those kids who wouldn't take it seriously, and would refuse to participate. The kids as SOS are entirely open to any new idea. Everyone is willing to be a part of the journey our instructors take us on, no matter how strange it seems at first. We have all become comfortable with each other, and that strong foundation of friendship allows us all to push each other into being bolder and going further.  I love these guys. 
Also, Tuesday was our last class with Kay Dawson, who taught Dancing and Movement. Under Kay's graceful/angsty/thuggin instruction, we learned five routines, and technique for ballet, lyrical, contemporary, and hip hop dancing styles. In addition, she gave us a killer ab workout. We'll miss you Princess Tiana, and I speak for all of us when I say thank you so much for your time, you are simply amazing, and we appreciate you for all of the love you gave us these past two weeks. We love you!
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to force myself back to sleep, since I passed out after I got home from camp, and currently just woke up from that five hour nap. See you at rehearsal!