Monday, June 30, 2014

Playwright, A Definition

Today, in our first class of the day with SoS staff/teacher Natasha Smith, I learned the true meaning of the word playwright. To wright something is, by definition, a "maker or a builder". Therefore, a playwright is more than just an author of a play; playwrights are fabricating and producing art that can be supported in formats that go beyond the paper. 

Shoutout to Bella and Natasha, thanks guys.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

SoS 2014 Cast List!

SoS Student Guest Writer: Maddie Miller

    I am not positive of any method of writing that will make this not sound like an angsty blog entry of a preteen in 2003 so I might as well just take that and roll with it. 

    Ugh, *sigh*. *Logs into Myspace* *opens up AIM and logs in under "AngstyGurl1993"*     
    Auditions. Some actors are shaking with excitement at the mention of the event. That wasn't the case for me. At all. I cannot stress that "at all" enough. 

    My parents raised me to have a "if not me then who else" attitude. In short, I was taught to always approach situations as if I already had the job. Smile. Straight posture. Eee-nun-see-ate. 

      So auditions should feel like a breeze, right? Well, that's wrong. My hands always shake. I begin to feel like I have a hazy vision. Walking into the room full of Arizona Theatre Company professionals, wheeeeew. Nearly 6 times? WHEEEW. I had slight comfort in the idea that these people had already built a relationship with me, but there's always going to be that BUT. 

      But after the audition experience had passed, I felt this wave of accomplishment. It's tough, yes, but that's what makes the entire result worth it. You have to give them your all so you can continue to meet the high standards at which they produce pieces of art. 

       Waiting 3 hours for a cast list was a different story, but let's just save that for another day. I feel so unbelievably lucky to get the chance to work with ATC in their production of Laurence Boswell's Beauty and The Beast: a fairy-tale thriller. I'm stoked for the next couple weeks and I know the audition process- although it made me have an undeniable urge to cry and puke at the same time, was just one big learning experience.