Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 16

Friday was our last day in the University of Arizona's rehearsal space! To celebrate we held a talent show, and sweet jesus, I've said this before, but I mean everyone is talented. Even our stage manager for In Your Eyes, the amazing/beautiful/totally hipster Mary Smith got in on the action with a rendition of an original song (from her original musical) (which she wrote as a one woman show) (and she melted faces with her guitar) (Mary you're my idol).
It was bittersweet leaving the University. In the passed three weeks, I've made so many memories within those studios, it felt so strange to wake up and not drive to Speedway. However, with the end of that chapter came the most exciting step of Summer On Stage yet: moving rehearsals into the ATC Temple of Music and Art. 
I've seen five shows at the ATC Temple. I don't think words could describe the level of fan-girl excitement I reached as I was given a behind the scenes tour of my new home. I may have drooled, I may have peed, you'll never know for sure. Tomorrow my cast is rehearsing on the stage. On the stage. It's so surreal to me that I'll be performing our show on the same stage that held inspiring work such as The Great Gatsby and Next to Normal.   It's a dream.
No matter how dreamy though, I HAVE to be present this week. Today's rehearsal was our first run through of the show in its entirety. While we made it through with minimal injury, there is still a long two weeks of rigorous work ahead of me and my cast. This show has the potential to be absolutely incredible. This week I promise to be completely and entirely dedicated to living up to that potential and making it a reality. I wouldn't ever want to put anything less than my best on this stage. 
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to fall asleep to some Demi Lovato, courtesy of my best friend and Summer Backstage badass Adrianna Cota. 

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