Sunday, July 28, 2013

SOS Student Guest Writer: Jeremy Jason

Before we read Jeremy's writing, I would like to apologize for my recent lack of posting. With the show in its final stages within the last week, I have been rigorously working with my cast, and haven't had the time nor the energy to write. But don't worry, I'll be dragging out this blog as long as possible, squeezing the juices of the SOS experience until it is completely dry, at which point SOS will really be over, and I will spiral into depression. Without further ado, here is Jeremy Jason, on his experience performing with SOS at the Hacienda Del Sol for the children of the Integrative Touch for Kids organization.

Photo Courtesy of Sierra Rose
When Stephen approached the students about performing at some sort of disadvantaged children’s retreat, I was more than a little apprehensive.  What kind of things would we do?  What audience is this?  Do these people even want to see us do anything?  Somehow I found myself scratching my name into that sign-up sheet anyway.
It was not until the day before the event that we gathered the group and figured out what was going on.  When I saw the people I would be working with, I could not have been more pleased.  At this mock rehearsal, Katie showed off her hilarious monologues, Alec rocked a song from IYE, Jalon sung about being the coolest girl, Laura belted Not Alone, and I reprised my talent show number, all while Sarah magically spun the background music off the ivories.  I was astounded (as always) by my castmate’s ability to create life onstage without a single rehearsal.
Upon arriving at Hacienda del Sol, our performance location, I discovered Alyssa and Josh had been added into the mix with new songs and duets, plus Adrianna tagged along for moral support.  Sitting in a waiting room with these awesome folks before we were called into the performance space reminded me why I love theatre so much.  Nobody was there to show off or to impress these people; we were all in this location to bring some joy with these kids and their families with our scopes set on having a kick-ass time.
The dining room that we sang in was quaint and well lit, filled with 40 to 50 small children and families, all waiting expectantly for us to show them what we brought for them.  We ran through our set list with without a hitch.  Well, actually some of the acts fell flat, but that’s all right. (Hi it's Alec, it was me, I bombed my duet, twist the knife Jeremy) I improvised harmonies into Laura’s piece, Alyssa and Alec created a sweet last minute piece as star-crossed lovers, and Josh pretended he loved to sing the song he wrote, all along side all the pieces we had the day before.
What really matters is the looks those children and parents gave us after each and every number.  After the set, one mother told us that her child dreams of being an actor, and seeing us perform was the highlight of her day.  Another little boy gave us an in depth analysis of Katie’s first piece and how he could relate to her.  One child loved Jalon’s number so much he had to run up on stage and join her in the middle of her final stanzas.
This experience outshined all of my expectations.  I cannot thank my castmates enough for how much of their heart they poured into this experience. To Sarah for following our slightly skewed arranging skills, to April and Chris for dragging their butts all the way up north just to see us work for these families, and most importantly to Stephen for having the spark to put this all together.  We did so much good tonight; we gave ourselves to strangers and grew as performers because of it.  That is what SOS is really all about.

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