Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 3

Yesterday and today were spent learning and rehearsing audition material for both the straight play and musical. Alongside Amber and Katherine, we've been soaking in the knowledge of Music Director Sarah Ross (my personal high school choir director, it's funny and slightly disturbing hearing her sing In Your Eyes lyrics about wearing dresses that will compliment the ass) and SOS Choreographer Dan Uroff to prepare ourselves for vocal, dance, and acting auditions. I don't know if it's Dan's sweat inducing audition choreography, or if it's the daily required yoga, but I'm not going to lie, my thighs are a little sore. 

And, okay, it just hit me: AUDITIONS ARE TOMORROW. 

There are thirty one students involved in SOS. I would be lying if I said I wasn't intimidated by the amount of talent in one studio. On top of being the nicest, most genuine people I have met, everyone, and I mean everyone, was born for theatre if the directors weren't enough to get me a little anxious about auditions.

However, our teachers don't just teach us to hone in on our talents. For the past three days, they have been instilling self belief and confidence in us, and teaching us to be aware of not only our talent, but of our body and its capabilities. The thing that put me most at ease, and completely sums up the atmosphere that I have been surrounded by these three days, is a quote directly from the genius of Amber Tibbits, our second British genius, just as we were finishing our morning yoga:

"Today, be adventurous. Everything you bring in here we already love. Whatever else you try, we're going to love even more."



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