Sunday, June 23, 2013


Hello! My name is Alec Coles. I am currently a Senior at Marana High School, and I am participating in the Summer On Stage program through the Arizona Theater Company. Sycophancy aside, the Arizona Theater Company is the most impressive theater I have ever attended. I have seen four shows at the theater, and each show has entranced me with is caliber of production excellence and showcase of talent. Believe it or not, I'm not even being paid to say this. I had heard about SOS through my good friends and SOS alumni Cassidy Ray and Alyssa Whatton, and I was immediately interested. Theatre is my passion. There is no comparison to the invigorating feeling that overcomes me through acting, singing, dancing, or a combination of all three. SOS provides an outlet for high school students who share my interest in theatre to showcase their own talents and to grow as artists. I invite you to follow my journey with ATC. This summer should be truly unforgettable.

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