Friday, June 28, 2013

End of Week One

Today was the end of our first week at SOS, and as I left towards the parking garage with fellow SOS actress Alyssa Whatton,  I told her, "Uhm, I really don't even want this weekend break. Want to just show up to rehearsal in the morning?" She agreed. Breaks from SOS suck.
My week was phenomenal. I have never been in an environment that made me feel completely comfortable, while simultaneously challenging me and pushing me beyond my limits. I know that every person participating in this program, adults and kids alike, can look back at this week and give themselves a high five; collaboratively and individually, an enormous amount of work has been successfully accomplished. I am constantly awed by the amount of talent, dedication, and joy that surrounds me every day I step foot in the studio. When I decided to join this program, I predicted that I would have a fantastic time with great people. Now, with this first week completed, I predict that SOS will make my summer the most remarkable vacation of my life. 

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